(Click to play song). Gotta love cheese.
Local florist Judy's Flowers & Gifts and radio stations are giving away 10,000 roses on Sept. 1st 2010 in spirit of Good Neighbor's Day. The idea is you pick up a bouquet (12 roses), keep one for yourself, and hand out the other eleven to friends, strangers, family, neighbors. Gifting a simple rose to a person might be the only good thing they receive that day.
I know of a few other towns and cities that would greatly benefit from such an event, but of course it happens here in the Rogue Valley where everyone already loves each other. Ew. Just vomited a little.
I plan on participating in this event. It is first come first serve, starting at 8am. I invite my friends to break the routine of that day and join this beautiful event.
The more I talk about this, the more nauseating it sounds. Obviously this is a targeted marketing campaign by the community. But if you're going to advertise, what a great way of going about it.
Just mark your calendar and do it.
This is the perfect scheme to disperse my newly developed neurotoxin. All of the valley will yield to my commands! Muahah!
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